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Tata Power to expand EV charging stations to national highways and tourist places in India

Tata Power to expand EV charging stations to national highways and tourist places in India

Tata Power, the largest power company in India, has planned to build EV charging infrastructures in National highways and tourists places as the Indian automobile market is transitioning into the EV segment. Currently, Tata Power has been established in 65 cities with more than 400 charging points in India.

Now, they are planning to establish publish EV charging stations across 100 cities with over 700 charging stations all over the country. This plan is estimated to be completed by 2021 December, but reports say that it might take lesser than that. The upcoming charging stations are equipped with various charging options, so charging of electric scooters to E-buses will be possible.

As Tata is planning to release various EV models further in this year, this project of setting up charging stations will be a huge game changer. If this plan is established, EVs might make as many sales as a normal fuel-powered car within the next 2 years.

How would I locate one or find the closest charging station to me? you might ask. With the help of Tata Power EZ charge app, you will be able to locate the available public charging stations.

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